Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Donating ATCs for soldiers in the Middle East

A friend of mine is in his fifth year organizing a donation for troops who are overseas in Iraq or Kosovo: Stockings for Soldiers.

He has asked me if I could rustle up 715 ATCs so he could put one in each soldier's Christmas stocking.

I said that all I could do was try, and I here I am.

The cards need to be at their office by October 26th so they can be shipped in time for a December arrival.

If you are interested, you can send one, ten, whatever. Include your kids and friends in the project, if you wish.
We cannot expect to get a card back, but I will write an info sheet for each unit and will send along one blank card for everyone.

These are sent with Christmas in mind, so you could do a theme for that, but they could be autumn or bees or peace or quotes or anything.

Stockings For Soldiers
1948 Washington Ave SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403

Thank you for your consideration.